Using Non-Catalog Forms to Shop

A Non-Catalog purchase refers to a purchase where contracted supplier pricing is not enabled or already loaded into the system. The Non-Catalog Purchase Form may only be submitted if the supplier is already registered in the system. If the purchase is with a supplier that is not yet registered with the University, request a new supplier from the Paw Procurement Home Page to register the supplier before finalizing the form.

  1. On the Home screen, locate the Forms section under Showcases and click on Non-Catalog Purchase.
  2. Once you have read the instructions, click Next to go to the Supplier Search page.
  3. Search for a supplier. (Note: leaving the Supplier field blank in your search will list all registered suppliers alphabetically.)
  4. After verifying the address of a supplier click the Select button to the right to add it to the form. Once you’ve finished, click the Next button located at the bottom right of your screen.
  5. Click the Add Attachment button to upload an attachment. This attachment should be the quote from the supplier or any other information that indicates what is being purchased. Failure to include an attachment may delay the issuance of the purchase order. Click Next when finished to move on to the Form Fields section.
  6. Use the instructions at the top of the form to correctly fill out the requested information.
  7. Once you have completed the form click the Next button. You will then be able to go to your cart and assign or process the procurement.

*See Creating Sole Source Procurements.


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