The information below provides some additional tips for managing your shopping experience.
Access your shopping cart by clicking the shopping cart link in the upper right corner of the page…or use your side navigation bar to go to Shop -> My Carts and Orders -> View Carts and select the appropriate cart.
Renaming Shopping Carts:
- All shopping carts are assigned a default name, but we recommend changing it to something that better identifies its contents and makes it easier to find in a search.
- When you’ve selected your shopping cart, type your new name into the Name this Cart field and click the Update button.
Adding Items to Shopping Carts:
- To add items to your shopping cart, simply continue to shop. If you have multiple shopping carts in progress, you must first make the appropriate shopping cart your active cart. Click the shopping cart icon at the top right of your screen or use your left-side menu to go to Shop -> My Carts and Orders -> View Carts and click on the shopping cart name; that is now your active cart.
- Your shopping cart can hold items from multiple catalog suppliers, but all procurement requirements are based on what is in your shopping cart.
- From within your shopping cart, you can modify the items/form information:
- For punch-out catalog items, click the Modify Items button to go back to the supplier page (some suppliers may not allow you to modify items, in which case you will have to remove those items and start a new punch-out).
- For other actions, select an item using the check box on the right and click the Action dropdown located right under the Proceed to Checkout button.
Unassigning Shopping Carts:
- Use the side navigation bar to go to Shop -> My Carts and Orders -> View Carts -> Assigned Carts.
- Using the Action tab on the right hand side, select Unassign. The cart wil be returned to you and become your active cart.
You are now able to add additional items to the cart or otherwise modify the cart. Additionally, you are able to assign the cart to another individual.
Questions and feedback: